See our answers to the most frequently asked questions

Yes. Web-Planning is based on a technology RTDP (Real Time Data Push) associated to an powerful SGBD.

That enables to push any changes from that SGBD to any computers and mobile devises in real time.

Our technology implemented ensures all users instantly the same level of information.

When it comes to manage resources Planning, a lot of company uses Excel or other tools even billboard, which are quite tedious when you have to perform many update.

Thus, Web-Planning brings you all you need : superbe user interface / Drag&Drop / Copy+Paste / Print out / Statistic...

Yes, if you have to deal with over 10 resource planning, then Web-Planning is definitely for you.

The client is free from any commitment and there is no exit penalties. Subscriptions modes are :

Monthly / Quarterly / Half-yearly / Annual. A 5% discount is granted for any annual subscription.
There is 2 main pricing plan:
* SaaS - Offers you an access to private & secured portal (24/7). There is not commitment. Check-out our Pricing
* In-Site - Please contact us.

Yes indeed.

Web-Planning can use either your "LDAP" (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) or "AD" (Active Directory) or it's own "Employees data base" to carry ou the credential & authentification.

From the settings panel, just select the mode of the authentifcation to be performed; that's it!

Yes. As a matter of fact all your transactions are saved, since Web-Planning uses the protocole  HTTPSassociated to an powerfull SGBD. Then, whenever you change a value, it is automatically saved into the database. Moreover, your data are emcrypted and only you hold the Key. (Contact us for more details)

Yes. We do provide support and assitance via (phone or email) and there is no additional cost at all. Support and assistance are included in pricing.

Contact us

Don't hesitate to contact us !

Shape your future Planning with Web-Planning that brings you sharp design and refine functionnalities.
Drop us a message and we'll be glad to answer.

Web-Planning UK

+44 (0)1233 652 763

"Give everyone more in use value than
you take from him in cash value.
Then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction."


1 Dover Place
Ashford,Kent TN23 1FB
United Kingdom

UK: +44 (0)1233 652 763
FR: +33  (0)643 702 601
SK: +421 (0)918 711 499